

Complex movements, precision, and harmony, combined with energetic dances, describe this group of extremely talented young musicians and dancers.


BWAZAN: This is who we are, this is where we come from…

A documentary produced by i4africa

Listen to us on SoundCloud

Our Association

Association Culturelle et Artistique Bwazan

« ‘prix de la virtuosité’»

Virtuosity Prize

‘Triangle du Balafon’
Sikasso, Mali (2009)

‘1er Prize’

1st Prize

Bamako, Mali (2011)

1er Prix

Young Talent Trophy

‘Festival sur le Niger’
Segou, Mali (2011)

« Prix Alcaly Camara »

Alcaly Camara Prize

‘Festival Triangle du Balafon’
Sikasso, Mali (2009)

‘prix de la révélation’

Prize of Revelation

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (2009)

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